Faster Time Tracking

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Our app is available on android. iPhone quickly follows.

Your Personal TimeTrack

Personal version - 100% FREE app with the following features:


Start and stop your work. Have a coffee break, as easy as clicking a button. With toroFugit you will always see how much work you have done today and how much time you have spent on breaks.


Dont worry if you forget to stop your clock. You can define the by-default-closure-time, so if you dont stop before 12PM toroFugit will stop your clock for you.

Time Control

You can use toroFugit for your Time Control, just using the clock or ...

Projects & Tasks

.. define projects & tasks to categorize your time y see the time spended on each project & task.


At the end, you get a full set of reports that gives you the complete information about your time in project, tasks or pauses. Take control of your time with toroFugit!


Personal FREE
    Available Now
    Personal Use
    Android, iPhone
    Clock, Auto-close, Reports, Time control, Project & tasks ...
    Corporate Use
    Android, iPhone, Web, REST
    + TBD

* Features written in gray under development

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